Carine de Beaufort
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My professional life started in 1982 with the use of technology (pumps) in pediatric diabetes. It showed me the huge treatment challenges for children and families and the enigma of diabetes pathogenesi(e)s.
Clinical research is only possible when quality care is in place. When I came to Luxembourg, I supported the creation of the multidisciplinary Pediatric Diabetes&Endocrinology Team (DECCP/CHL) with a 24/7 care for children/families with all forms of diabetes and endocrine conditions. Our team has joined the ERN (European Reference Networks) ENDO as the first full ERN member in Luxembourg.
My three research pillars include Epidemiology and Benchmarking of care outcome (Eurodiab, DIAMOND, EUDIP, Hvidoere Study Group, SWEET), Innovative treatment approaches, closing the loop (SWITCH, QUEST and KIDSAP) and better Understanding the pathomechanism(s) of T1DM (TRIGR, INNODIA).
In collaboration with the Luxemburg Ecosystems Group (P Wilmes, LCSB) we investigated the relationship between host and microbiome during early life (COSMIC) and disease (MUST). This led to new ideas. Further research is needed to investigate this interaction between evolving colonisation of the microbiome and its host in the infant to understand the contribution of the functional microbiome to the development of type 1 diabetes in the genetically at risk persons.
Between 2012 and 2016, I served as Secretary General of ISPAD.
It is my honour to serve currently as President (2020-2022) of this unique society. I’m guest professor at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium and the University of Luxembourg. I represent Luxembourg in the Paediatric Committee at European Medicine Agency (PDCO/EMA).

Stuart J. Brink
Committee Chair.
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ISPAD representative on the Steering Committee of GPED (Global Pediatric Endocrine and Diabetes consortium). Member in National Board of Directors of the American Diabetes Association.
Professional member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist (AACE), the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society (LWPES) and the Endocrine Society.
He was a co-investigator of the NIH-sponsored DCCT for ten years and also served on the American Academy of Pediatrics Endocrine Executive Committee and on the International Diabetes Federation’s Youth Section Consultative Section as well as its Youth Task Force. In addition to the AAP, ADA, ISPAD and IDF, he is a professional member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), the (Lawson Wilkins) Pediatric Endocrine Society (PES) and the Endocrine Society, previously was on the executive committee of GPED at its inception and serves currently on the PES International Relations Committee as well as the IDF Life for a Child advisory board. Dr Brink was ISPAD’s prestigious Lestradet Award winner in 2011 for international contributions for diabetes education and advocacy
Stuart Brink is Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara.
2016 – Honorary Citizen of Timisoara.
Honors Diploma from Veliko Tarnova Municipality in Bulgaria as well as the ADA’s Outstanding Contribution to Diabetes in Youth award and the JDF’s Anne Woolf award. He has taught about pediatric and adolescent diabetes and pediatric endocrinology in more than 60 countries around the world.

John W. Gregory
Emeritus Professor in Paediatric Endocrinology, Cardiff University, UK
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John graduated from Dundee University and trained in paediatric endocrinology in Sheffield, Dundee and Newcastle upon Tyne before appointment to a clinical academic post in Cardiff in 1993 in which he was awarded a Personal Chair in 2005.
Until retirement in February 2021, he provided a Regional specialised paediatric endocrine service through shared-care clinics with local paediatricians in 8 hospitals across Wales and a diabetes service for approximately 235 children with diabetes living in Cardiff.
He has led a research programme investigating delivery of clinical care to children with diabetes. He has completed research studies evaluating communication skills training for healthcare professionals, examining transition to adult services, evaluating how children make choices about healthcare, evaluating models of care for children at diagnosis and a randomised controlled trial of multiple daily injections with pumps.
He has also led a programme of work using anonymised data linkage of The Brecon Cohort of children with newly diagnosed diabetes in Wales (1995-present). This has allowed assessment of hospital admissions, evaluation of the pathway to diagnosis and various long-term outcomes of childhood-onset diabetes.
John has a longstanding interest in training in Paediatric Endocrinology. On behalf of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) in the past, he has led the Paediatric Endocrine Training Centres for Africa in Nairobi and Lagos & the annual ESPE Winter School targeting trainees in Eastern Europe.
In recognition for these contributions, he was awarded ESPE’s Outstanding Clinician Award for 2018.
He is Principal Regional Examiner for the Middle-East for the MRCPCH exam for The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
He has authored 146 papers in peer-reviewed journals (H-index 47) and is also co-author of Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children, now published in its fourth edition.

Francesco Chiarelli
Professor of Paediatrics and Paediatric Endocrinology at the University of Chieti in Italy.
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He is Head of the Department of Paediatrics at the University Hospital in Chieti since 1994.
Professor Chiarelli is a clinician with clinical and research interests in diabetes, obesity and growth disorders. His main research fields have been the prediction and prevention of type 1 diabetes, microvascular diabetes complications in children and growth disorders. His other clinical interests are obesity and metabolic syndrome. He was the leader of the first International Consensus Statement on ”Insulin Resistance in Children”, published on Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM) in 2010.
He was General Secretary of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) from 2004 to 2011 and President of ESPE in 2009 (Annual Meeting in New York, USA) and 2013 (Annual Meeting in Milan, Italy). He was also President of the Italian Society for Paediatric Research from 2012 to 2015.
He is a Consultant of the World Health Organisation (WHO) for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) in children (2016-2022).
Professor Chiarelli has lectured in 78 countries world-wide and has published over 700 original articles, reviews, textbook chapters and books (H-index 65, over 6,000 citations). In 2015, he was the youngest awardee of the ESPE Andrea Prader Prize for contributions to paediatric endocrinology.

Klaus Mohnike
Professor at Department Pediatrics Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
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Current position is Chair of Central German Network for rare disease
Professional education and work
2001 – 2018: Head of center for neonatal screening Saxony_Anhalt
2010: extraordinary Professor at Department Pediatrics, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany.
Relevant Job Training:
– Research on insulin receptor ontogenesis at Inst Biology Semmelweis University Budapest / Hungary
– Fellowship on hypoglycemia and congenital Hyperinsulinism at Institute Child health, Newcastle, UK
– Research project at Department Pediatrics and Department Cell Anatomy, MUSC Charleston
He is a professional member of the German working group for Pediatric Endocrinology, member of the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE), member of the German Society for Endocrinology (DGE), member of the German Society for Pediatrics (DGKJ),
– Since 2008: Vice-Chair of German Association for people with short stature and their families (BKMF)
– Vice-Chair of German Association for centers of rare diseases (2014-2020)
– Chair of Saxonian-Thuringian society for Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery (STGKJM)
– Since 2014 Chair of the COACH consortium (Collaborative Alliance on Congenital Hyperinsulinism)
– 2017 – ongoing: Chair of Central German Network for rare disease (MKSE), member of ENDO-ERN, Metab-ERN, BOND-ERN (European certified centers for rare disease), chair of HCP OvGU.
Research areas of interest and Prices
– Genetic and pathogenetic basis of endocrine and metabolic diseases, with special interest in congenital hyperinsulinism. Clinical Care guidelines and quality assurance in pediatric endocrine diseases (CAH, Congenital Hypothyroidism
– Pediatric clinical trials
– 2008 Henning-Andersen Award of the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) for epidemiology research project in congenital hyperinsulinism
– 2009 Hormone Research Price (ESPE) for “Novel insights in congenital hyperinsulinism
Has published over 100 original articles
Cine poate participa
Evenimentul se adresează EXCLUSIV profesioniștilor din domeniul medical:
Medici primari, specialisti și rezidenti în: Diabet, Endocrinologie, Pediatrie, Medicină internă, Medicină de urgență și Medicină de familie
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Organizatorul științific al manifestării este: Societatea Română de Diabet, Nutriție și Endocrinologie Pediatrică
Coordonatorul științific al manifestării este: Prof. Univ. Dr. Velea Puiu Iulian
Organizatorul conferinței (care asigură managementul logistic & tehnic al evenimentului) este: Sănătatea Press Group
Categorie | Până la 25 octombrie | După 25 octombrie |
Medic primar / specialist MEMBRU ENDOPED | 450 lei | 550 lei |
Medic primar / specialist NEMEBRU ENDOPED | 550 lei | 650 lei |
Medic rezident | 250 lei | 350 lei |
Medic de Familie | 300 lei | 400 lei |
Însoțitor (*) | 350 lei | 550 lei |
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